These are an incomplete list of the many pieces found on the Shroud


The Templars The Secret History Revealed – Barbara Frale - A Look at the Templars history and relationship to the Shroud.

The Brotherhood of the Holy Shroud - Julia Navarro - a fictional story but a great read.

The Blood and the Shroud: New Evidence That the World's Most Sacred Relic Is Real
by Ian Wilson

The Resurrection of the Shroud: New Scientific, Medical, and Archeological Evidence by Mark Antonacci In Resurrection of the Shroud , Mark Antonacci authoritatively and scientifically challenges radiocarbon testing and presents new evidence in determining the Shroud's true age

Jesus and the Shroud of Turin (1999) VHS Theatrical Release Date: January 1, 1999 Video Release Date: March 2, 1999This video is an excellent documentary of the Shroud's history and scientific investigation. It is easy to understand and quite entertaining as it was filmed in many international settings. The Shroud is not a "dead" issue.

The Fabric of Time: Are the Secrets of the Universe Hidden in an Ancient Cloth A DVD by Grizzly Adams Productions Inc.

The Shroud of Turin: An Adventure of Discovery by Mary Whanger, Alan Whanger (March 1998)

Sacred Blood, Sacred Image : The Sudarium of Oviedo, New Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin by Janice Bennett (February 2001)

Not Made by Hands : The Miraculous Images of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Shroud of Turin by Thomas Mary Sennott (March 1999)

Relics : The Shroud of Turin, the True Cross,  the Blood of Januarius...History, Mysticism, and the Catholic Church by Joan Carroll Cruz (October 1984)

The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin : New Scientific Evidence by John C. Iannone ( June 1998
The Shroud of Turin : Unraveling the Mystery by Michael Minor

Turin Shroud and Science by Leonard W. Konikiewicz

The Second Messiah : Templars, the Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas

The Shroud of Turin and the C-14 Dating Fiasco by Thomas Case (June 1996)

The Turin Shroud Is Genuine : The Irrefutable Evidence by Rodney Hoare (March 1999)

The Shroud of Turin : The Most Up-To-Date Analysis of All the Facts Regarding the Church's Controversial Relic by C. Bernard Ruffin (September 1999)

The Shroud of Turin: A Case of Authenticity by Vittorio Guerrera (December 2000)

The Jesus Conspiracy : The Turin Shroud and the Truth About the Resurrection by Holger Kersten, Elmar R. Gruber (May 1995)

Judgment Day for the Shroud of Turin by Walter C. McCrone (March 1999)

Inquest on the Shroud of Turin : Latest Scientific Findings by Joe Nickell (March 1999)

Shroud of Turin Booklist
This list is continuously updated courtesy of Emanuela and Maurizio Marinelli of the Collegamento Pro Sindone in Rome. In 2003, a major update to the list was provided by Dr. Raúl Cruz Mireles of the Centro Mexicano de Sindonologia (Mexican Center of Sindonology), and Miss. Montserrat Castellanos, Academy Secretary at the Museum of the Sacred Scriptures (Mexico Branch) and also member of the Centro Mexicano de Sindonologia, which expanded it by more than 170 titles.
In November 2005, the list was updated again with more than 125 titles, mostly in Spanish, from the personal collection of
Dr. Julio López, also of the Centro Mexicano de Sindonologia. In January 2007, the list was updated again, with more than 50 new books from Emanuela Marinelli and another 50 books dating from the 15th through 18th centuries provided by Dr. Raúl Cruz Mireles of the Centro Mexicano de Sindonologia in collaboration with D.C.B. Montserrat Castellanos, Academy Secretary at the Museum of the Sacred Scriptures. My thanks to these researchers for their continued participation in making this the largest single bibliography of Shroud related books on the Internet.
The works are listed alphabetically, by author, and you can view the list by either selecting a letter in the Alphabetical Navigator Bars or by scrolling through the page conventionally. The list begins with a number of books that are compilations by various authors (AA.VV.). They are listed in chronological order by date, so
please note that the numbers identifying these AA.VV. compilations will change from time to time as new works are added to the list. They are not permanent. All references are published in Italian except where otherwise noted in parentheses.
A number of titles on this list are available directly from Just click on any linked title and follow the instructions for ordering. Visit the "Website Store" and select "Books" for a synopsis of each available book and more information.
Thanks to website viewers
Arif Khan (U.K.) and Justin Coe (New Zealand), I am pleased to provide the following two files. The first is a Microsoft Word document file from Arif that includes a numbered list of every book on this booklist as of 2 December 2005 named Shroud Books Numbered The second is an Excel Spreadsheet file from Justin listing every book on this booklist as of 2 December 2005 named Shroud Book List Both files are Zipped to reduce their size so you will need the appropriate WinZip or some similar software to unzip them. More importantly, both should prove very useful to Sindonologists.


Select the specific part of the list you wish to view. Use your browser's "back" button to return to this Alphabetical Navigator Bar. An additional navigator bar is located at the end of this list for your convenience.

Various [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [WXY] [Z]

Works by Various Authors

          Alphabetically by Author
          ACCIGLIARO, Walter - Immagini e culto della Sacra Sindone nella Diocesi di Alba - Sorì Edizioni, Piobesi d'Alba (CN) 2000

          ACCORNERO, Pier Giuseppe - Sindone, verità o inganno? - Editrice Il Punto, Grugliasco (Torino) 1998
          ACCORNERO, Pier Giuseppe -
          La Sindone - Storia, attualità, mistero - Paoline Editoriale Libri, Milano 2000

          ADAMS, Frank O. - A Scientific Search for the Face of Jesus - Psychical Aid Foundation, USA 1972 (English)
          ADAMS, Frank O. - DeSALVO, John -
          Sindon: A Layman's Guide to the Shroud of Turin - Patrick Walsh Press, Tempe, Arizona, 1982 (English) (Special Order from
          ADAMS, Frank O. - DeSALVO, John -
          Sindon: A Layman's Guide to the Shroud of Turin - Synergy books, USA 1982 (English)
          ADAMS, Frank O. -
          The Face on the Sindon - Qumran Desert Center, USA 1983 (English)

          ADLER, Alan D. - The Orphaned Manuscript: A Gathering of Publications on the Shroud of Turin - Dorothy Crispino Ed. - Effatà Editrice, Cantalupa, Turin 2002 (English)

          ALARCÓN BENITO, Juan - El Quinto Evangelio: La Autenticidad de la Sábana Santa de Turín - Ed. Alonso, Madrid 1978ca. (Spanish)
          ALARCÓN BENITO, Juan -
          Jesús de Nazareth: El Gran Desconocido - Ed. Alonso, Madrid 1988. Ver: Sindone pp.721 a 725 y 730 (Spanish)

          ALEXANDER, F. David - Jesus' Token To Man - There is Light, Pittsburgh (USA) 1977 (English)

          ALIANAK, George & HERÓN, Josua - El Enigma de la Sábana Santa y otros Lienzos Sagrados - Col. Enigmas de la Historia, Ed. Edimat Libros, Madrid 2003 (Spanish)

          ALLAIS, Egidio - Immagine della Sindone - Fine di un antico mistero e di altri attuali misteri - Alzani Editore, Pinerolo (TO) 1996

          ALLEN, Nicholas - The Turin Shroud and the Crystal Lens - Empowerment Technologies Pty. Ltd. - Port Elizabeth, South Africa 1998 (English)

          ALLEN-GRIFFITHS, D. - Whose Image and Likeness? - The J. and M. Publishing Co., Nottingham 1964 (English)

          ALVES D'ASSUMPÇÃO, Evaldo - Sudário de Turim - O Evangelho para o século XX - Edições Loyola, São Paulo (Brasil) 1992 (Portuguese)

          ANGELINI, Mons. Fiorenzo - L'uomo della Sindone. Collana di Studi su Medicina e Morale -Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana NO DATE

          ANGRISANI, Giuseppe - La Santa Sindone di Torino davanti alla Storia e davanti alla Scienza - Tipografia G. Montrucchio, Torino 1933

          ANONYMOUS - Missa Sacrae Syndonis - Valauri, Saluzzo 1692 (Latin)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Officium Sacratissimae Sindonis Taurinen; AS. Sede Apostolica examinatum, et approbatum, cum hymnis nuper correctis, et approbatis - Peccolli Impressors S. Officij, Cunei 1704 (Latin)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Officium Sacratissimae Sindonis Taurinensis - sumptibus Francisci Bernardini De-Nigris, Augustae Taurinorum 1728. (Latin)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Narrazione della solennita celebrata in Torino il di 21 Maggio dell'anno 1815 nella quale la santita di Pio VII; espose alla pubblica venerazione la SS. Sindone.- Presso Domenico Pane, Torino. No Date.
          ANONYMOUS -
          Sermoni sulla Santa Sindone detti alla presenzadella real corte nella chiesa metropolitana di San Giovanni le quaresime degli anni 1818, 1819, e 1820 e raccolti da Filppo Delpino coi segni stenografici - Stamperia Reale, Torino 1820
          ANONYMOUS -
          Notizie storiche ragguardanti alla Santissima Sindone che si venera nella Reale Cappella di Torino - Officina Tipografica di Giuseppe Fodratti, Torino 1842
          ANONYMOUS -
          Cenni sulla Santissima Sindone - Fontana, Torino 1842
          ANONYMOUS -
          Il pellegrinaggio di S.Carlo Borromeo da Milano a Torino per venerarvi la Sacra Sindone - G.Marietti, Torino - Roma 1898
          ANONYMOUS -
          Storia e miracoli della SS.Sindone - Sacerdote, Torino 1898
          ANONYMOUS -
          Storia e miracoli della SS. Sindone; il piu utile ricordo del pellegrinaggio - Tip. G. Sacerdote, Torino 1898
          ANONYMOUS -
          Cerimoniale per l'ostensione della SS.Sindone, 3 maggio 1931 - V.Bona tipografo, Torino 1931
          ANONYMOUS -
          La Guida del Pellegrino - Edita in occasione della Ostensione della SS.Sindone, Torino 4-24 maggio 1931 - Edizione autorizzata dal Comitato, Torino 1931
          ANONYMOUS -
          Prayers to Jesus Christ Crucified - Monastery of the Holy Face of Jesus, Clifton (N.Y.) s.d. (English)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Via Crucis ¡YHWH mío, ELOHIM mío! - Ed. Colegio Bíblico Apostólico de la Cruz y de Santa María de Guadalupe, México 1975 (Spanish)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Holy Hour in Honor of the Holy Face of Jesus - Ed. Holy Face Center, Quiapo Manila (Filipinas) 1985ca. Holy Hour every Tuesday (English)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Novena of Reparation in Honor of the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus - Ed.Crusaders of the Holy Face.Quiapo, Manila (Filipinas) 1985ca. Novena begins Tuesday before Ash Wednesday (English)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Prayers to Jesus Christ Crucified (as we see Him on the Holy Shroud) Day by Day - Ed. Monastery of the Holy Face of Jesus. Clifton, New Jersey (USA) 1986ca (English)
          ANONYMOUS -
          The treasure of the Holy Face of Jesus - Holy Face Association, Montreal, Quebec (Canada) 1993 (English)
          ANONYMOUS -
          La Capella della Sindone - Ed. Italia Nostra, 1997. Color pictures after the 11-12 April fire.
          ANONYMOUS (Archidiocesi di Torino) -
          Sindone, le immagini 2000 - Ed. ODPF, Torino 2002
          ANONYMOUS -
          Shroud images 2000 - Ed. ODPF, Torino 2002 (English)
          ANONYMOUS -
          Novena, Triduo, Estaciones y Oraciones al Divino Rostro - Ed. Fundación Jesús de la Misericordia, Quito (Ecuador) s.d. (Spanish)

          ANQUETIL, Jacques - Jesus le Linceul - Le roman du Suaire de Turin - JC Lattès, France 1998 (French)

          ANSON, Francisco - Despues del Carbono 14 - La Sabana Santa - Arcaduz-Palabra, Madrid 1989 (Spanish)
          ANSON, Francisco -
          La Sábana Santa: Últimos Hallazgos 1994 - Ediciones Palabra, Madrid 1995, 2nd.ed. (Spanish)
          ANSON, Francisco -
          La Sábana Santa: Últimos Hallazgos 1999 - El Sudario de Oviedo y La Virgen de Guadalupe - Ediciones Palabra, Madrid 1999 (Spanish)

          ANTONACCI, Mark - The Resurrection of the Shroud - M. Evans & Co., New York 2000 (English) (Available from

          ANTONELLI, Gabriel - Via Crucis - Dioma, Malang s.d. (Indonesian)

          ARNOV, Nex - Calun Turynski Jest Prawdziwy - Drukarnia Michalineum, Warszawa 2001 (Polish)

          ARTUFFO, Gio. Batta. - La Regia Confraternita del SS. Sudario e B. V. delle Grazie - Libreria Salesiana, Torino 1898

          AUBERT, Père - Le Linceul de Turin et la science - Procure du Carmel d'Action de Grace, Paris, France 1938 (French)

          AUTIÉ, Dominique - Toutes les larmes du corps - Devant le Linceul de Turin - Éditions du Rocher, Monaco 1998 (French)

          AVATI, Pupi - I cavalieri che fecero l'impresa - Mondadori, Milano 2000

          AVONDO, Francesco - Per la Santissima Sindone esposta al pubblico culto addi XV ottobre MDCCLXXV in occasione delle faustssime nozze di LL. AA. RR. Carlo Emanuele, principe di Piemonte e Adelaide Clotilde di Francia, dissertazione - Onorato Derossi, Torino 1775

          AYASSOT, Ernesto - BARBERO Franco - La Sindone: radiografia di una prova - Claudiana, Torino 1978

          BABINET, Robert - Le Linceul de Jésus - Medcom, Lyon (France) 2000 (French)
          BABINET, Robert -
          Le témoin secret de la Résurrection - Jean-Cyrille Godefroy, Paris 2001 (French)

          BACHINGER, Rudolf - Das Leichentuch von Turin - (No date, place of edition or publisher) (German)

          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi - BENEDETTO Pier Paolo - Alla ricerca dell'Uomo della Sindone - A.Mondadori, Milano 1978
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          L'impronta di Dio - A.Mondadori, Milano 1985
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Sindone o no - SEI, Torino, 1990
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi - ZAC, Stefano -
          La Sindone al microscopio - Esame medico-legale - Elle Di Ci, Leumann (TO) 1996
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Sepoltura del Messia e Sudario di Oviedo - Società Editice Internazionale, Torino 1997
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Sindone, la prova - A.Mondadori, Milano 1998
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Gli ultimi giorni di Gesù - A.Mondadori, Milano 1999
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Sindone, 101 domande e risposte - Ed. San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2000
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Sindone e scienza all'inizio del terzo millennio - Editrice La Stampa, Torino 2000
          BAIMA BOLLONE, PierLuigi -
          Il mistero della Sindone - Rivelazioni e scoperte nel Terzo Millennio - Priuli & Verlucca, Ivrea (TO) 2006

          BALDUZZI, Clara - Il mistero della croce - Ed. Segno, Udine 1991

          BALLIANI, Camillo - Ragionamenti della Sacra Sindone di N. S. Giesu Christo - Aluigi Pizzamiglio, Torino 1610
          BALLIANI, Camillo -
          Ragionamenti sopra la Sacra Sindone di N.S. Giesv Christo - Per Luigi Pizzamiglio Stampator Ducale, Torino 1618

          BALOSSINO, Nello -
          L'immagine della Sindone - Ricerca fotografica e informatica - Elle Di Ci, Leumann (TO) 1997

          BARBARÁ RIUDOR, Antonio - La Medicina y La Pasíon de Jesús: Estudio Médico, Fisiopsicológico, Crítico y Apologético - 2ª ed. Ed. Vilamala, Barcelona 1951ca. (Spanish)

          BARBERIS, Adolfo - Como si guarda la SS. Sindone - R. Berruti & C., Torino 1933

          BARBERIS, Bruno (Co-author) - La sindone e La Scienza -Valsusa, Rivoli 1978.
          BARBERIS, Bruno - SAVARINO, Piero -
          Sindone, radiodatazione e calcolo delle probabilit - Elle Di Ci, Leumann (TO) 1997
          BARBERIS, Bruno - ZACCONE, Gian Maria -
          Sindone Cento Anni di Ricerca - Instituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato 1998

          BARBESINO, Francesco - MORONI, Mario - L'ordalia del carbonio 14 - MIMEP-DOCETE, Pessano (MI), s.d. (1997)
          BARBESINO, Francesco - MORONI, Mario -
          Lungo le strade della Sindone - San Paolo, Milano 2000

          BARBET, Pierre - L'ensevelissement de Jesus - Librairie du Carmel, Paris NO DATE (French)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La pássion corporelle de Jesus - Dillen et Cie, Paris NO DATE (French)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          Les Cinq Plaies du Christ; etude Anatomique et Experimentale - Dillen & Cie., Paris 1935 (French)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          Les cinq plaies du Christ - Éditions Dillen, Paris, France 1935 (French)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          Le cinq plaies es du Christ - Procure du Carmel de l'action de Graces, 1937 (French)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          Le cinque piaghe di Cristo - SEI, Torino 1940
          BARBET, Pierre -
          De Lichamelijke Passie van Jezus - Bibliotheca Alfonsiana, Leuven, 1950
          BARBET, Pierre -
          The Five Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Clonmore & Reynolds Ltd, Dublin 1952 (English)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          Las Llagas de Jesús y El Santo Sudario - Ed. Biblioteca Sindoniana No 9, Barcelona 1953 (Spanish)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La Passione di N.S. Gesù Cristo secondo il chirurgo - LICE, Torino 1954
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La Pasión Corporal de Jesús y El Santo Sudario - Ed. Biblioteca Sindoniana No 5, Barcelona 1957 (Spanish)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La Passione di N.S. Gesù Cristo secondo il chirurgo - LICE, Torino 1959
          BARBET, Pierre -
          A Doctor At Calvary - Image books, Doubleday & Co., New York 1963 (English)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La Passione di Cristo secondo il chirurgo - LICE Padova 1965
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La Passion de Jesus Christ selon le chirurgien - Editions Paulines, Paris 1982 (French)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          La Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo vista por un cirujano - Ed. Promesa, México 1983. (Spanish)
          BARBET, Pierre -
          A Doctor at Calvary - Roman Catholic Books, 1993 (English) ("Back Ordered"
          This book was reissued in September 1993. "For those who wish to gain a greater appreciation for the medical and physiological events of the original Good Friday. His descriptions and interpretations based on the Shroud are very moving."

          BARCELÓ ROLDÁN, Juan - Jesús y la Estafa de Cachemira - Col. Varia. Ed. Plaza & Janés, España 1980 (Spanish)

          BARCLAY, Vera - The Shroud of Christ - R. H. Johns Ltd., Newport NO DATE (English)
          BARCLAY, Vera -
          The Face of a King - Century Art Press, Bognor Regis (England) 1954 (English)

          BARNES, Arthur S. - The Holy Shroud of Turin - Burns Oates & Washbourne, Ltd. UK 1934. (English)
          BARNES, Arthur S. -
          The Holy Shroud of Turin - Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing's Rare Mystical Reprints, 2006 (English)

          BARRALIS, Vittorio Amedeo - Anatomia sacra per la novena della Santa Sindone: con una corona composta d'affetti sopra li principlai mistero della Passione - per gl'Heredi Gianelli, Torino 1685

          BARTOLINI, Bartolino - Pregare con la Sindone - Editrice Elle Di Ci, Leumann (TO) 1998

          BARTOLOME Y RELIMPIO, Jesus de - Estudio Médico-Legal de la Pasión de Jesucristo - Editorial Bibliográfica Española, Madrid 1949 (Spanish)

          BASCHERA, Renzo - La Santa Sindone e i suoi segreti - MEB, Torino 1978
          BASCHERA, Renzo -
          Le profezie della Santa Sindone - MEB, Torino 1998

          BATTAGLINI, Angiolo - La Sindone nel tempo - La Fontana Editore, Viareggio 1998

          BEECHER, P. A. - The Holy Shroud - M.H. Gill & Sons, Dublin 1928 (English)

          BELLARDO, Bernardo - La S.Sindone di N.S.Gesù Cristo - SEI, Torino 1945

          BENASSAI, Enzo - Il Volto della Resurrezione - De Cristofaro, Firenze 1986

          BENFORD, M. Sue - Strong Woman - Source Books, Nashville, TN (USA) 2002 (English)

          BENÍTEZ, J. J. - El enviado - Ed. Plaza y Janés, España, 1980 (Spanish)
          BENITEZ, J. J. -
          El Enviado - Col. Otros Mundos. 3ª ed. Ed Plaza & Janés, España 1980 (Spanish)

          BENNETT, Janice - Sacred Blood, Sacred Image - The Sudarium of Oviedo, New Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin - Libri de Hispania, Littleton, Colorado 2001 (English)

          BENVENUTI, Anna - Il mistero della Sindone - Giunti, Firenze 1998

          BERBENNI, Gianfranco - Note per un approccio sistematico alla Sindone di Torino - Centro Francescano Rosetum, Milano 1987

          BERMAN, Franz - Grandes Enigmas del Mundo - Editors, Barcelona 1993 (Sudario pp. 51-71; 153-155) (Spanish)

          BERNA, Kurt - Das fünfte Evangelium - Carlo Moesta Verlag, Mainz, Germania 1954 (German)
          BERNA, Kurt -
          Das Linnen - Hans Naber, Stuttgart 1957 (German)
          BERNA, Kurt -
          Jesus nicht am Kreuz gestorben - Hans Naber, Stuttgart 1962 (German)
          BERNA, Kurt -
          A World Discovery: Christ Did Not Perish on the Cross - Hicksville, New York 1975 (English)

          BERNARDI, Marziano -Torino (Storia e Arte) Guida della Citá e Dintorni - Ed. D´ Arte Fratelli Pozzo, Torino 1975

          BEROD, Michele - Le prerogative della Santissima Sindone in compendio - Stamperia Re. Cam. Apost., Roma 1648

          BERTA, Giuseppe - Della Sacra Sindone di nostro Signor Gesu Cristo esposta alla pubblica venerazione in Torino il 4 maggio1842 nella fausta occorrenza del matrimonio di S.A.R. il Principe Ereditario Vittorio Emmanuele con S.A.I.ER. L'Arciduchessa D'Austria Maria Adelaide relazione storica. Torino. NO DATE
          BERTA, Giuseppe -
          Relazione storica della sacra Sindone - Tip. Subalpina, Torino 1898

          BERTOLONE, Vincenzo - La Santa Faz: El Culto del Santo Rostro y la Espiritualidad de la Reparación - Ed. Librería Espiritual. Quito (Ecuador) 1996 (Spanish)
          BERTOLONE, Vincenzo -
          Volto redentore - Ed. Dehoniane - Roma 1997

          BIANCHI, Rosario - Il "San Domenico" e i Domenicani di Torino - Soc. An. Libraria Editoriale, Torino 1932 (a pagg. 80-81 cenno alla Sindone)

          BIEDERMANN, Hermenegild M. - Die Passion - Aurel Bongers, Recklinghausen 1958 (German)

          BILLON, B.M. - Man of the Turin Shroud - Stockwell Ltd., Elms Court (UK) 1977 (English)

          BLANCARDI, Da Sospello - Tesoro celeste. Discorsi morali Sopra la S. Sindone di N. S. Giesu Christo, Reliquia della Sereniss. Casa di Sauoia. - Luigi Pizzamiglio Stampator Ducale, Torino 1625

          BLINZER, Josef - Das Turiner Grablinnen und die Wissenschaft - Buch-Kunstverlag, Ettal (German) 1952
          BLINZER, Josef -
          Der process Jesu - Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 1955 (Suisse)

          BLUNDELL, Nigel - Grandes Enigmas - Col. Edivisión. Ed. Diana, México 1987 (Sudario pp.147-150) (Spanish)

          BODA, László - A Torinói Lepel "életre-keltésének" kísérlete - Kiadó és nyomda, Budapest 1998

          BOGDANESCU, Sylvia and Aurel - Who Inspired the First Christ Portrait ?: The Markan Theory - The Runciman Press, Manly, Australia 1998.(English)

          BOIE, O. - De Lijkwade van Turin - Brugge (Belgio) 1988 (Flemish)

          BONAFAMIGLIA, Prospero - La sacra historia della Santissima Sindone di Christo Signor Nostro. Raccolta in compendio da gravi auttori...con una pia essortatione. All'illustriss. Archiconfraternita del Santo Sudario di Roma - Luigi Zannetti, Roma 1606

          BONI, Roberto - Scienza e Fede nella Santa Sindone - Il dolore di Gesù - Pacini Ed., Ospedaletto (PI), 1995

          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno - Le Sainte Suaire: Preuve de la Mort et de la Resurrection du Christ - Ed. La Contre Reforme Catholique, Saint Parres Les Vaudes Aout 1979- Avril 1984 (French)
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          The Holy Shroud of Turin: Proof of Christ´s Death and Resurrection - Ed. The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century, Saint Parres Les Vaudes Dec. 1979-Sept. 1984 (English)
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          Le Saint Suaire - La Contre-Reforme Catholique, Saint Parres Les Vaudes 1986 (French )
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          The Holy Shroud of Turin: Facing the Truth - Ed. The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century, Saint Parres Les Vaudes 1986 (English)
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          The Victory of the Holy Shroud won by Science - Ed. The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century, Saint Parres Les Vaudes 1989 (English)
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          La vittoria della Santa Sindone acquisita dalla Scienza - La Contre-Reforme Catholique, Saint Parres Les Vaudes 1990
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          Le Sainte Suaire: Les Preuves d´un Faux Scientifique - Ed. La Contre Reforme Catholique, Saint Parres Les Vaudes Número Special Fev-Mars 1991 (French) (Shroud reports also by Abbé Georges de Nantes, Dr. Pierre Mérat, David Boyce)
          BONNET-EYMARD, Bruno -
          The Holy Shroud: The Evidence of a Scientific Forgery - Ed. The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century, Saint Parres Les Vaudes March 1991 (English) (Shroud reports also by Abbé Georges de Nantes, Dr. Pierre Mérat, David Boyce)

          BORELLO, Laura - Il Duomo di Torino e lo spazio sacra della Sindone - Priuli & Verlucca, Ivrea (TO) 1997
          BORELLO, Laura -
          La Sindone, il velo della Veronica e gli strumenti della Passione - Centro Mariano Salesiano, Torino 1998

          BORTIN, Virginia and George - Image of a Man - Dell Publishing Co., New York (USA) 1983 (English)

          BOSIO, Antonio - Alcune memoire sulla Sacratissima Sindone - Tip. e lib. S. Giuseppe nel collegio degli Artigianelli, Torino 1868.

          BOTANZ, Javier M. - La Pasión en Negativo - PPC, Madrid 1962 (Spanish)

          BOUCHAGE, Leon - Le Saint Suaire de Chambéry a Saint-Claire-en-Ville - Drivet, Chambéry 1891 (French )

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          HOARE, Rodney -
          A Piece of Cloth: The Turin Shroud Investigated - The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, 1984. (English) Presents Mr. Hoare's hypotheses regarding image formation plus some other controversial opinions regarding Jesus' death.
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          A detailed study of the historical, physical, phsiological and theological aspects of the Shroud, cultivated from three decades of research.
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          Very knowledgeable priest's viewpoint of the Shroud.
          RINALDI, Peter Maria - Le Saint Suaire du Crucifie - Quebec 1978 (French)
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          Quando a milioni videro la Sindone - LDC, Leumann (TO) 1979
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          A personal account of the 1978 Exposition of the Shroud of Turin and the period of scientific testing which followed. Available from Don Bosco Publications, 148 Main Street, Box T, New Rochelle, NY 10802 USA
          RINALDI, Peter Maria - I Saw the Holy Shroud - Don Bosco Publications, New York 1982 (English)
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          ROBINS, Joyce - The World´s Greatest Mysteries - Ed. The Hamlyn Pub, London 1989 (English) See: Turin Shroud pp. 50-51

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          A summary of the state of knowledge about the Shroud, circa 1982, with photographs and discussions of other artifacts.
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          Second edition updated and fully illustrated. A summary of the state of knowledge about the Shroud, circa 2005, with photographs and discussions of other artifacts.

          TRIGUEROS, Francisco - La Herejia De La Sindone - Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion, Zaragoza, Spain 2007 (Spanish)

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          WHITING, Brendan - The Shroud Story - Harbour Publishing, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia 2006 (English) Currently available through the book's website,

          WIEBE Phillip H. - The Shroud of Turin: authenticity and significance for theology - Howard Publishing Company, Langley, BC (Canada) 2001 (English)

          WILCOX, Robert - Shroud - Macmillan and Co., New York, 1977 (English) Good layman's summary of information about the Shroud. An updated version of this book (as well as an audio cd of the text) with a new prologue and epilogue written in 1998 is available on the Internet from Disc-Us Books. Use this link for more information:
          WILCOX, Robert -
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          WILSON, Ian - The Shroud of Turin - Doubleday & Co., New York, 1978 (English) Very good summary of knowledge about the Shroud, circa 1978; presents an interesting hypothesis regarding the historical travels of the Shroud.
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          The Turin Shroud - Penguin Books, England 1979 (English)
          WILSON, Ian -
          Calun Turynski - Ed. Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, Poland 1984 Polish translation from Ian Wilson book The Shroud of Turin: The Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ? 1978 by Andrzej Polkowsky (Polish)
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          The Mysterious Shroud (Published in England as The Evidence of the Shroud) - Doubleday & Co., Garden City, New York 1986 (English) ("Hard To Find" A comprehensive summary of historical and scientific information about the Shroud, circa 1985. Includes over 100 photographs along with a detailed bibliography.
          WILSON, Ian -
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          Jesus: the evidence - Harper Collins Publisher, New York, USA 1996 (English)
          WILSON, Ian -
          The Blood and the Shroud: New Evidence that the World's Most Sacred Relic is Real - Simon & Schuster New York 1998 (English) (Available from In this book, Wilson presents new scientific evidence that challenges the 1988 carbon dating and other arguments against the authenticity of the Shroud. Current studies, presented here by Wilson, have reversed the views of many people in the scientific and religious communities.
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