Indian and Tibetan masters have explored the question of mind for millennia.
Buddhism in fact has often been called “a science of mind.” But what precisely is this thing called mind? William Crookes, 1875 wrote: “Any theory will account for some facts; but only the true explanation will satisfy all the conditions of the problem …” This statement is true for any theory.
Buddhist have over millennium attempted to satisfy all the conditions of this central problem to existence, the nature of mind and its role in reality and existence. Buddhist theory concludes that at its deepest and most subtle level, the mind is “clear but empty, radiant and yet groundless.” And that understanding these truths, mystics, thinkers and sages tell us, is the insight that pacifies suffering and brings one to a state of peace that is “beyond hopes and fears.” It diminishes judgement and increases the knowing of the reality of interconnectedness between life at all levels.
The most interesting thing about Buddhist theory and related sciences is that they’ve developed techniques for acquiring and sustaining this insight.
Their techniques have as an ultimate goal the total merging with the Absolute Reality. These techniques have long recognizable stations of attainment.
Mind - concept of Identity - "I" - Self.
Quote from: (- W. Crookes, “The Mechanical Action of Light”, Quarterly Journal of Science VI, 337-352 (July 1875).
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James Andrew Barrett - Silent Gospel Publishing